Renato, in the world "The man to fish" or "Angel Face" because of my passionaccia for Angelfishes (commonly called angelfish and Italian).
Chieti, a city of chamomile but I transplant in the U.S. in a big, sleepy town in upstate New York, just not to deny my origin .
Member of the Association aquarists Abruzzo:
Cerrrrtamente they are, and also for almost a lifetime.
Abruzzesi hobbyists gathered to celebrate the return of Renato (checked shirt).
Gavetta aquarium:
always fond of "Life Aquatic" and I started fishing with the traditional goldfish in bowls and trays (poor "people") to spend time with the turtles and small trout.
Then at a certain point I had the meeting (in 1986), the John Belushi of "Blues Brothers", with an aquarium shop where Chieti Scalo entratovi an afternoon with my father I was struck by the sight of tanks full of Cabomba very dark green and Black Mollies and began to pronounce the word in a trance, shaking his face as aquarium J. Belushi in the film.
At the sight of so much passion the owner started 'screaming at my father in the words of Reverend "Rufus" of the film in question: "Yeah, he's seen the light!"
To which my father replied, "no you who have seen the light of my portfolio ...".
And the truth 'the guy in question was nothing more' of what today is defined as "fishmonger."
So in short, I started with an aquarium of about seventy liters gross raised and where I played almost everything and still I'm sorry still "emotionally" have given away many years ago for make room for more tanks' large: Do not ever make that mistake. From
more 'than ten years now, I'm almost alone raising angelfish: my mixed blessing.
I learned a lot but not everything 'cause I still happen to lose fish, or "broods," for no apparent reason: I have to apply it more'. Currently I own (and poorly managed, according to my wife) ten aquariums including seven in use and which contain only scalar (adults and youth) and water ... now you will understand why 'the trial of my pitiful' sweetheart ' ".
Some beautiful Angel Fishes Renato (var. Koi, Marble, Zebra).
tub Description:
The main aquarium where I have all the angelfish (mostly couples) plus' some young specimens of two Reproductions and 'a 250-liter atypical because it' s a very long bath (120 cm), narrow (30 cm) and fairly high (70 cm) and 'short, the classic "55 gallon" cheap American but I am comfortable there and I think my fish. Water and 'filtered by two filters of internal engine Tetra times each and 30 gallon and' heated to 25 degrees Celsius by the heater Hydor 200W power.
The water changes are weekly and affect 90% of the total.
The new water and 'taken directly from the tap in the house to which I add a simple water conditioner of Tetra. Food
my angelfish with flake food or pellets of Tetra (really good products) more 'with live food occasionally represented by "Chironomus", "Artemia" and "Daphne" I buy in the shops in the industry. All other tanks are handled the same way.
's all.
personal considerations:
Look at all that much what happens in your tanks, from fish: more 'as you can.
Aquariums and web:
And 'certainly useful information on the Internet: There' s so much stuff. So 'as, even better, participate in a forum that talks about aquariums and fish: the experience of others and' many times in resolving certain problems you might have.
But there 'one thing you should absolutely do without: the experience of a good seller. Almost everything I know I owe some of them, and believe me, not 'little.
It will not end 'never thank enough the Santacroce family in the guise of the shop owner Mr. Robert "The Ark" site in Chieti: I do not know how many hours I spent in 15 years talking to him about aquariums, fish and plants. In addition
'I have to thank those who were "behind" in my many years in this passionaccia and that means' Friends Historical Association aquarists Abruzzese.
Finally I feel here and publicly thank my parents who have supported, tolerated and assisted with love to all that 'I did and "defeat" for a long time: I want a world of good in this world and I miss you "foreign ".
The Forum of the AAA.