Il Pirata is the first truly remarkable work of Bellini. Although already represented more than once in modern times (there was even a version with Lilies of the last century), the true revival of the work took place at La Scala with Callas, the year 1958. And the company rewarded Callas, Corelli, Bastianini, who will make two years after sparks with Poliuto Donizetti, were to represent the cast perfect, but we can not, unfortunately, to listen to this recording because, it seems, "there's no Pirata" as said by the same Corelli. There is a form of registration in Callas a concert in New York, which shows the first signs of fatigue ... her voice still stratospheric, with the drama in the blood, but Ego and Ferraro are neither nor Corelli Bastianini. If you add to this that the score is, as was customary at the time, heavily cut, Rescigno is honest but not very accustomed to the subtleties, the sound has taken radio 50 years, Maria is not enough to make this legendary recording. The first version is in the studio instead signed by Montserrat Caballe, with her husband and good Cappuccilli. Not really a miracle, but a very good version, especially that on the podium there Gavazzeni, finer and less crackling Rescigno, at least for once let the score almost immune to the mutilation that the master was accustomed.
Caballé Imogene draws a more fragile and tend to be more strictly bel canto (vocal means pandering to her), where she saw Callas in Norma Imogene a sort of ante-litteram (see entry or recitative caballetta final), then purged of the "frills" legacy of the style of Rossini. Callas in fact believed, for his personal vision of romantic bel canto, of having to reduce to a minimum any form of flowering and display of virtuosity in favor of the expression of tragic drama. Vision that he carried on valiantly, which was opposed by the new generation (Sutherland and Caballé) restorer of bel canto in a purely vocal. Leyla Gencer made her only the personal view of callas bel canto, and in this (certainly not for the vocal qualities, very different) can be considered his heir. Those who had greater reason in terms of design there is unknown, since in this particular case the first was the story of Imogene Meric-Lalande, former first lady great Rossini. And the writing is in fact quite tuneful despite Rossini Bellini is already pure. We are not yet so in the realm of "soprano Pasta", but we are also far from the "soprano Colbran. And add to this that the Meric-Lalande was the first Lucrezia Borgia, this role "in the middle" sung in the nineteenth century not only by the dramatic agility but also from the opera as Grisi. No wonder then that the village was great workhorse of Caballé, but also superbly made by Gencer, who gave a reading more tragic but no less relevant. Take away the fact that Scott has never faced the role fully, in the year 1990 our local Aliberti has some 'monopolized this character, going as far as to affect in 1994. Indicated as the neo-callas (and is neither the first nor the last), Mrs. Lucia, along with a couple of middle notes a bit 'tubate, has little of Mary and this is not necessarily a defect, but here it is. Reading it in the studio for me must be avoided. The Aliberti sings often in a kind of register in a low voice, soft and coloraturistico, staking everything on a personal vision of bel canto (which then is not so good), thus sacrificing the dramatic emphasis. Better to be his recordings live. In more recent times is at least worth even mentioning the 2003 Fleming of the Metropolitan, but live recording of a broadcast (ie high quality audio). Renée is not really born bel canto, but fails on several occasions to be credible in the enterprise thanks to a persuasive tone (sometimes too though) and a technique is not indifferent. Like a good American sometimes miss the taste (this is essential in this repertoire) which makes meow like a kitten or roar like a panther with hints discoveries, loaded, breast, with or without doors, half melensaggini and assorted items. Overall, however, is not as deplorable as some critics have decreed.
The Stranger is a work even more undervalued, either because it contains pages of great importance as the Pirate, either because the Callas narrowly missed (at that time and preferred to just the Poliuto already mentioned). Even so there is less to say about the discography of this title. This time the lesson and then makes the Renata Scotto in a live album, a true craftsman in 1968 the revival of this work, Sanzogno on the podium with the best, and good Cioni side. And that is because it is true that the first stranger was still Meric-Lalande, in this style is even more less Rossini and Bellini, which favors the more lyrical voices. We can say that this is a role Lalande "second kind", more pathetic than romantic all'Imogene Il Pirata which already possessed the characteristics of future drama of Verdi's agility. Thus manifest themselves already in the dualism of the characters that female voices are also present in "Pasta soprano." As regards the interpretation of Scott: his legacy is perfect, as well as the phrasing and the keeping of agility. Were it not for another some little cut here and there and, unfortunately, the audio quality by recording modest house. For those who want to hear at this point a good Foreign and good audio quality, the Fleming Board of 1993. Opera in its more strings than the Pirate (for the reasons cited above), addressed the coolest voice conditions. The Fleming is not the Scott, but in this case comes out very well, and help in the overall success of the sound quality good and the whole work. Taciamo Caballé live a little 'too lenient and rough, and on a sheet torn from the cuts, and Aliberti (Pirates of the same speech) that some like a lot but not to the writer. For those who want a treat, as a curiosity, there is also a live Souliotis of the 1971 (other followers callasiana, this one for Mary's own admission), already declining. Just to further emphasize what weight voice, regardless of nature more lyrical or dramatic, should have the Bellini roles for soprano voice.
The Pirate - Callas, Ferraro, Ego, Rescigno (LIVE 1959)
PRO: live Callas historical
v : cuts, the rest of the cast does not always live, live sound
The Pirate - Caballé, Marti, Cappuccilli, Gavazzeni (STUDIO 1970)
PRO edition almost complete, the general level of the cast
AGAINST: Marti, Caballè not always in focus
The Stranger - Scotto, Cioni, Camps, Sanzogno (LIVE 1968)
PRO: Scott's historic live
AGAINST: cuts, live sound
The Stranger - Fleming, Kunde, Le Bron, Queler (LIVE 1993 )
PRO full, very good sound (broadcast), the Fleming
AGAINST: cast does not always equal, Fleming does not always Focus