Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
How To Cover Herpes Scars
avanzalo What I have to say, so you lift the weight of the dark for years.
just starting to understand the blue snow-fortunately-daily in sleep, the noise stops, the silence suffused with light. The eyelashes
take your temperature and pulverized.
The rooms are warm, travetino ice cream under the palms.
are ups and downs of the carousel under three, are the fur
stolen his mother not to get cold on the balcony in February, to tell
silent prayer proverbs of days confused and yet eloquently
absorbed by the walls too murky and buttons.
I will drink, even disguised as lemonade and no
please remind me who are just afraid of the
qeullo that made me a truffle in a slight delay on the dates of asylum,
on the tail to return to reality and forgiveness
enough for me tui-rays without the victory not to try
Doujinshi Dragon Ball To See
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
For How Long Does Drysol Work?

250 people, conference room, Bergamo
"Arianna, (...) want to tell us why you chose to draw so Bisclavret?"
and are dropped from the stage
this tall,
is in any case, apart from that
for everything else there's mastercard
enjoy the links, I do not
espimo who could not overcome the monosyllable.
inettittudine the word of the artist, specifically
the boss ...
http://www.lafeltrinelli.it/products/3030778.html; jsessionid = B9AC403C44079616A3CC982E45B15B46.applprod04? Atd = 1583242
Maffioletti Elena, Victoria Delsa feat. Dr. faust ....
Victoria's Secret Best Push Up Bra
The stabs in the calves do not feel the cold, hunger
the extent of 5.
And the smell of coffee
I seda
the clouds tired eyelids
during the night and leave their mark on their own discoveries from the moon.
above or below the scarf
I do not have the courage to urlarti the neck, to tell you what
Bakelite in the night I
crack the bone and the curved blades
I save your name,
wee hours and pitiless
but neither will vanish
overt advances and inertia,
occupies the bathroom and steals
gravity as well as oxygen.
The waterfalls are stationary, the halls filled
there is no crisis in the ribs, the lungs
not go on strike. But
shirts shaking,
do not have a sewing machine and if orders are not advancing stocks
not dispose.
I speak cat, cicada
but the energy from the holds my rival,
without the knotted rope that made this
and now my number has nothing to do.
are the steps and the sum that are not text
and the free exercise capacity in hours without impressed
sundial because unfortunately I am sincere,
a green apple out of place for now.
and 'late, but not yet sufficiently
Monday, October 18, 2010
Super Mario Games With Yoshi Online
myriad balls of paper in my face sballonzolano,
addition to the glass through the last day for a few
ore.meno of two.
I pull the skin, I
the slab between the skin and muscles and nerves.
not it hurts, it hurts but
shooting umbrella drinks.
boring for the last time.
know I must do many things, organized the second
an agenda that has no hours, no references
harassing hair anarchists on Monday, seraphic
feet, huge platforms of gravitational stability.
and suspend the breath, releasing streams of thought and
light and screams and all.
and I feel free.
but to eat the word for those,
are only the fourth letter.
I would like to see
donkeys flying without saying it by force, and I
permission to turn my horse and pig fighting
sonecchiare with my armadillo to trust that DJ set, with my heels and clearly
's funnel
one with eyelet for hanging
or blow and let the bubbles from their soap
seem harmless, from below
but out of cards in his pocket
smells good,
between the hairs and pores,
" relationships with animals are prohibited,
the slaughter of animals is allowed.
But no one has reflected on the fact that
may be a sexual crime? "
Karl Kraus
Thursday, October 14, 2010
How To Install A Heat Pump To Oil Furnace

Ladies and
's love does not say
of Massimo Vitali
"He loves her, she did not. He thinks all the time, she did not. He wants it, she did not. He writes letters, she did not . Tired of continually receiving love letters to Edward Teresa imposes a total ban on write. Or at least, no more love letters. Moreover recommended, what the heck. In all, there's a limit. So as not to add more bricks to the wall that separates it from her, accepting the impositions of Edward and Teresa began to send letters through the mail by talking about tangential and sinks, and his sister of Napoleon, the wind and the pistachio, the muscles and poetry, God, and cicadas. In short, Edward ends up talking about everything, really everything except for what you just can not say. Yet the love shines through between the lines, light and playful: it makes its appearance between a recipe and a surreal reflection rambling, mild, non-intrusive background of every single letter of Edward. (With a letter of Alexander Berger and Grace Verasani) "
Friday, October 8, 2010
Quadriderm Crema Anti Fungal

Stories from the cities stories from the Seas
b_ Milan - The visible reality: introduction to the pencil drawing
c_Berlino / Istanbul - Techniques: charcoal, sanguine, chalk
d_ Trieste - The design of objects and still life
b_Tazebao, political posters, lessons on human anatomy for artists' use: the head
c_Muralisti Mexican-RATM - Lectures on human anatomy for Artists: hands
d_Giger, poster art-Korn lessons on human anatomy for artists 'use' the feet
In rainbows
b_anni 10/20 & ; Bauhaus style - The male figure
c_'30 / 40 war in the style of Chanel - The balance of the figure
d_'60 / 70 all shades of hot - The body dynamics and current global
e_nero - Drawing in black and white
"... Over the Rainbow"
b_Simbolismo Surrealism - Use of the card as a form Art
c_Blake el'onirismo: a nightmare - crayons and colored pencils
d_Simboli, superstitions, and its visions - The robed figure: the representation of folds and fabrics
Ebony and Ivory
b_pied de poule: black and white in fashion - China: the study of the masters and chromatic
c_cibo - The use Pantone markers and
d_fumetti: Stories in Black and White - Hints on the creation of boards of a cartoon
d_Magazine Perspective 2: Art and Architecture on Paper - From the Three-Dimensional Two Dimensional
b_cinema and theater - Tempera 2: references to technical and practical achievements.
c_fiori-fashion-colors - Acrylic 1: references to technical and practical achievements.
D_Art - Acrylic 2: references to technical and practical achievements.
a_Napoli / Rome: Mother, Maxx, Macro - Oil painting: the technique hints
b_Milano / Turin Rivoli, Gam, Arengario, Boschi di Stefano - Achievements practices
c_Venezia / Rovereto: Guggenheim, Biennale, Mart - Practical Achievements
d_Firenze / Bologna: Mambo and surroundings - Practical Achievements
Alessio Girella : ale_girella@yahoo.it - 3477872546
(after 18)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Whipping Scene In Mainstream Movies
Brown said the table,
after less than 5 buttons in their place.
With her hand then I imitated but your
I had only had four fingers.
Then I put my foot.
Then I got up,
I hurt my back. Then
You hit me, but I laughed
, that is, grinning ...
I shone the candy in my eyes, my cocktail
to color the horizon warped by your touch
I was so happy to be free to reach have been better.
I only know that the desk is always fun,
separates you from a lot of people and can unite you with
numerossissimi assholes.
Just clean it all, cut their hair,
to know that he could not forget even with tasfusioni ...
nostrils have a long memory, more than me.
(not shaking anything in pages, I was not before I knew the strip
dust. Fault of the hands.
always something else.
And I felt the earth only by staying on the skin,
not counting the months, limiting the number)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Can You Catch Genital Warts From Brazilian Wax
I go on vacation.
click on the title to understand what it is
A bientot
Monday, August 16, 2010
Buy Sanye Anti Adipose Tea
I just want to hear, not listen,
your voice tells me
crackles and the head of the 'ether.
I can see as I leave the lids
in free fall because I'm not going to open them
but out of laziness, not to
And I describe the clothes,
the field,
cities have just seen, but I do not give my
strong sinking of the stern behind me,
covered the door to my back, and bare legs on
bow lying shamelessly.
I do not care,
I do not care if your are lies,
I need only your voice,
to remind me that you're alive, you move
your nails, your hair
vivid in the room
now where I can no longer stand.
He rolls his eyes while you do not stop with your
slightly slower than usual.
are rubbed on the face of
toast that I took off in his hands,
and I promise that we will see,
soon, in less than ten days, perhaps
but maybe soon.
I do not have time to put the rollers at the bottom of the hair that you're already giving
a roulette to me.
I do not see anything in my three hours of sleep
I have appeared as three short centuries
and I are combined with the clothes, something that will put
fabrics that I'm drawn to parade
perhaps in a station that carries the rest
remained only a pedalo on the dirt
a beautiful city and bigoted, when
the 's gait makes
holes with bolts on the front.
I do not know what time it is, falls into a waste of breath
your request,
I hear you, I repeat
not hear you, I'm all
images without distinctive
and start counting.
I was already doing, but
not tell anyone what I've been silent ...
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Games To Play On The Bus
Thursday, August 5, 2010
67 Chevelle Ss Sale Wis

giving him all the time
to enjoy the goal,
Excellent opportunity to reflect and take the lead body.
I have a simple no... I have a fundamentalism flies
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
How To Treat A Brazilian

I've written, rewritten cheese, arranged, and designed.
the selfishness of suicide notes,
hats unnecessary.
the bottom of the waves meeting the trophies of finance,
the gold rush, conquest
your hunger satisfied.
are pressed for choice between the walls and liquid metal keels
who lie with me.
many feet above my roof made of waves,
I was under your eyes amazed
the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving crossed the bridge,
island is well worth an ocean, a continent
old, cocky and now
water and islands are democratic
leave only on his route. Revenue
of bullying in your high city.
What a pity that the evolution
not about you all, that the apex of wealth
not daily bread.
Revenge is my meal, I'll stay
not indigestible,
sharks in the depths of the rags are the dreams of human beings,
distant fragments.
And the alarm is a moment, a flight
unexpected defeat
without a foundation design.
not worth anything
Selfish arrogant pushy
New roommate
your breath away ...
Monday, July 26, 2010
Maxine Cartoon Healthcare
Individual pages of the last post:
- L'Elisir d'amore in Rome
- Moise et Pharaon conducted by Muti
- Tolstoy's Kreutzer Sonata Theatre
- The Misanthrope in Rome Italy
- I imagine - the year of change
- Roberto Devereux in Rome
- Crime and Punishment
- Rigoletto on TV
- The Grand Design - The last shot of Hawking
- Rigoletto in 2010 Carallo
- The real and the fake storm
- Aida 2010 Caracalla
- young Shakespeare at the Globe.
Friday, July 16, 2010
How To Add Tilt To A Lax Helmet
Take the skirt, blanket
fresh mountain air, all the time
from the abyss to look at eye
current or desired.
have the fire extinguished,
get your feet upwards, with the toe tag, but
joke, only for cause.
But it's sunny you know?
Inexplicably, nell'afa,
esophagus suffocated
in my personal bath
there hangs a sock that is there about November,
with all the numbers, our
. Are exponentially attractive.
Then there's the collapse.
Hero of monsters in the zoo
the monster that every time I rip my shirt
three times bigger. By
head and food to the animals in the washing machine.
legs apart
hand outline in a sky of holes in the metal,
everything that does not even whisper the pillow
reverberates in my ears that I
And 'the effect of your wheezing ever
and ever more distant.
comes only a whip,
the last meter,
right, right
mediosottile for my life. We do not know yet
play, I want to stay on the bottom
and since I do not put away the fun with the blowpipe
meringue, bread.
Breath fortissimissimofuoridallacannuccia
and smoke everywhere, I tarnish the view of the anxieties rise
me, I'm not myself
is all white,
is just a dress, that I struggle to remove
Monday, July 12, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
How Much To Mechadolls Cost?

In the soul I have only loneliness
And if I can not see
Because God made me love To make me suffer
You were the reason for my existence
Adore for me was religion
And your kisses I was
gave me love and passion
is the story of a love like no equal
That made me realize all the good, all evil
That gave light to my life
turned it off after Oh what a dark life
Sin tu amor no viviré "
Historia de un amor - Carlos Elec Almaran
If I do not poison
I miss the view,
what I want to hear
I'm not afraid of anything ,
if you're here.
Air does not interest me, and I do not feel
The sand flows and does not affect me.
Your hair, the sheet that runs from the washing machine.
And I run away from I eyed the acrid aftertaste of truth
cold and green as the faces of the dead.
My papillon boil id clay, which launched
fall, think
hold amezzaria
dreams yellowed
within walking distance of the cats by the orgy of dust.
Find me, take me
feet hurt.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Epic Bot Runescape For Ubuntu

The Dancer - from Bezier
Gentlemen Here is my honor to announce that the one who says he won the Sabbioneta Art Festival 2010.
To enjoy - ... - Project God Lives Underwater , including not advance anything, all you have to wait for September and it will take a nice trip to Sabbioneta.
Well, while you link the first shoots of the press release.
When they do not know what to do with the holiday
http://www.radiobase.eu/mnch/site / index.asp? itm_id = & st = v_news_detail 20100629_171600_0184_60
Sunday, June 20, 2010
How To Sew In Weave Without Cutting Tracks
"Tomorrow is hours away if you love me
I think I have the chills again and let me take questions from useless, hypocritical on my
dapoeti wet branches, leaves last, what
think these fragile human
What are my branches stupid
what if I need to take leave from useless thoughts "
The monsters have legs, not
feet, not their fingerprints, footprints are
dusty and impressed,
deformed, lacking stability
physical environment where your feet are,
human and perfectly designed to trample
diversity and secrets,
intelligence and honesty. With bumps
beasts have a heart.

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Should A Lasagne Pan Be Covered While Baking

start from the soap of my life,
from what I have in my mouth.
The shirt is better than too narrow,
(by crazy I'm stubbornly osmosis).
too large to leave alone, and without
parts, secretly
unique with its own breath prisoner
applies only to the skin.
It liquefies the memory,
passed from life to the postcard, which will erase
holograms of potted plants and hanging from the aroma of coffee lobes of the alarm,
names to choose from.
eterorivolto The disaster of the embrace. Many
fall. Have collapsed long ago.
I get up now and I do not make no mystery of surprise.
not charm is the key word.
recovery perspective, never left through the periscope. Only commas
All forms that I took while you were just skin
me have stubbornly imposed plasmandomisul your body,
a hammer,
on tungsten.
have eaten and have been won by the evidence
and that life if not erode the integrity
utopia crumble, with no news.
I'll find comfort me, and circles of universes, new movements, not just new beginnings of
if there will be when the smoke has closed the loopholes
to reopen on a landscape-now-fluorescent.
The first entities to be seen immediately post burn only optical markers. I wait to
finirci Munitions. In the confusion
shot for real lizards on the walls.
E 'in the aftermath of a battle which took part in the awareness deferred
was gagged over his eyes. It was
fall into a pit so likely,
so useful that it is almost embarrassing to win honor sore. And
'time masks that crumble, the truth
current floating by stroking the belly of the water.
A prominent nose into the skin of a balloon that does not need to rely
deforming wet.
Can not you see,
for me deep in visions, even
away from the old habitus,
even accidentally plays the Beatles.
will review the alphabet, Cyrillic my explanations, in a moment.
not take them weigh as much as butterflies and trout. It is this
freshwater. Staying still lose
whole gamut.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wing And Footprinttattoos
CABRI is an educational program that aims to make the pupil acquire the principles of Euclidean geometry starting from the fundamental properties of a figure.
teachers together with students, they can also use CABRI to explore some of the features of a polygon or other geometric shape.
Images Software:
Monday, March 29, 2010
Wedding Arches Of Bamboo Sticks
Required materials: glass, water, coins of 5 cents
Method: Put water in the glass doing is getting filled to the brim Then gently lay on the bottom of the glass coins
Here is the result
Welcome To Greetings For Churches
Needed : a glass with the opaque background because of the limestone encrusted lemon contains citric acid.
procedure : it takes the glass, tips and press a bit on the bottom 'of lemon juice. He expects about ten minutes and you see the formation of a slight effervescence, in the end the limestone disappears and the glass is more transparent.
Explanation : the limestone is not more because the citric acid content in lemon juice reacted it producing carbon dioxide, the gas has resulted in the formation of small bubbles.
The same reaction occurs when using scaling sold on the market, which also contain the strongest acid citric acid to make the shiny steel of the taps, or the pots of porcelain Toilet.
photos experiment
Monday, February 22, 2010
Dishlex Global 300 Stops At Prewash
This experiment aims to demonstrate that even in the ground there air.
Required materials: A glass containing enough dry land and not clay and water