Drinking is important. Drinking during pregnancy is even more fundamental and then you remember it all the time: "Do you drink?, Drink enough? How is your liquid intake?".
This summer it was easy to drink, it was hot, we sweated, felt like, but here's another story. Put the constant humidity, cold winter and sometimes the rain, drinking is more difficult. And then the water I was bored, sugary drinks are not good, the tea is hot. Fortunately
Christmas Ale got 4 small jars of herbal teas that are not only delicious but very good to see. So when I came back to me I infusions. They are good hot, too cold, but do not need sugar. I also infected Mark has always been opposed on drill teas, which it insists on calling them "the good the food".
As you can see from the picture, however, the stocks will not last forever and I was wondering if there is no way to be starting from fresh ingredients of the herbal teas. Ideas? Suggestions?
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